Tema Acessibilidade

Who is he? (He is always looking for you at all times)

Who can heal the pain of losing family?

Who can heal the wound that will never be found?
Who can make the future a beautiful bed of roses?
Who can control the time and still not be worried?
We humans are fragile.
We do not have the power to define what the next cloud that will pass.
We do not have the authority to judge and condemn anyone who is guilty.
We have no right to tell anyone.
We will be someone to follow their advice.
You have felt pain, even in the joy you feel pain
He can do everything to be normalhe can do everything to be standard when no one even can.
You know who is always by your side?
Well, the person you most forget is the same as always thinking of you ... God!
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Membro desde Junho de 2012
