But, in retrospect, one comes to the inevitable conclusion that some people like to watch a movie repeated "all their lives!"
On March 19, 2003, under the "cinematographic direction" of George W. Bush, the United States gave an ultimatum to the former dictator Saddam Hussein to leave the country and in response to the "proposal" they got a refusal, they sent troops there to invade the place and bomb everything.
They needed to find a, let's say full justification to continue with the offensive and that's how Colin Luther Powell, Secretary of State of the United States, got a very forceful and robust one there to keep the "morale of the troops" high and "to dump" the entire arsenal on everything!
Iraq manufactures, produces weapons of mass destruction! And in this way they are affecting the 'poor' Iraqi population..." And this was the "perfect" justification they found to enter into the capture of the "tyrant" and justify their attitudes.
"Of course it was a surgical bombing!" Everybody saw it...
And as excellent "protectors", they decided to overthrow the dictator, seize his power, kill him and save the oppressed people...
In the case of the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, in general, the only thing that had changed was the pretext of the invasion, because the whole thing was the same... The "movie is the same!" In other words, instead of persecuting a single man, the HAMAS group would be the target... What's much better: more people to blame! Better reasons to kill! Destroy! Perform!
"Brother Benjamin Netanyahu! You can work to your heart's content, brother!" They acquiesced in their peers in the states, not all of them, it's true!"
This time, bolder, cooler, more encouraged, the Israelis accuse doctors, workers, in short, the population of Gaza in general, of being associated with the Hamas Group, "including" even children in disguise and imagine the brazenness of the HAMAS terrorists, "co-opting" babies, to fight for the group, etc., among others. That is why the noble army of Israel is killing everything and everyone in order to "purge" the Gaza Strip of these terrorists.
What is amazing about this whole story is that the American people, also tired of the same repeated movie, have begun to oppose their leader John Biden's yearnings for association and protection of Israel. By taking to the streets and protesting, just as John Lennon undoubtedly would.
Here in Brazil, however, some personalities, (who by the way, have never deceived me), are there "marching side by side" with the men of Israel, in the murder of children, the elderly, women, the sick, etc., defending such attacks and as doctors of the cause, giving their endorsement and final judgment.
One of them, I can point out, that I have always been suspicious of his words, which is MARCO ANTONIO VILLA, commentator (he says he is a History teacher) of Radio and Television Cultura, the other who, because of his stupid comments, no longer even passes by the Reportage channel that gives him shelter (Globo News, which will not make the slightest difference to them), Mr. JORGE PONTUAL. This, I will say, I have never seen and I don't even know about his ideals what I saw, watched, stupefied, was his defense of an advanced group of Israeli soldiers, who bombed an ambulance that was transporting sick people and, again, under the same excuse, that he would transport terrorists, was killed everyone... What I saw and heard from this gentleman was this: the systematic defense of an army with all its might killing innocent people and that was enough for me...
You, for example, a millionaire, have among your servants and lackeys, an individual notably and prominently, criminal, malicious, practicing all kinds of atrocities and keeping him in your staff, isn't it being conniving with your acts?!
Of course you do, so the broadcaster where work is just as guilty. That is why, I will never again "give the honor" the same, of my "precious", telespectation and period!
Another thing: I don't like to watch a movie repeated too many times... I am Tired!
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