Tema Acessibilidade


(...) So many more lovers will emerge... or disillusioned... or accomplished! (...)

Observing the totality of all of them, the vast majority of them, inevitably portray the theme: the realization of a great love... an unrequited love... an unbridled passion... a disillusioned heart... A strong attraction... a betrayal, etc.!

The theme is vast and for sure, it will not end with my disappointment or with the fulfillment of your great love, no!

So many more lovers will emerge... or disillusioned... or accomplished!

And coldly observing, from the oldest songs, even a good part of the classical music, to the current songs, through rock, samba, in the university sertaneja, there is its background in this situation!

Obviously, there is the classic music, which does not go through this "seesaw" of emotions and by itself, already expresses a particular theme of life, more comprehensive, more universal, more impersonal!

Example?! USA: My Way. A typical example!

Or: "I Started Joke!" (Bee Gees). There is a good amount, exploring other "sides" of life, but, overall, the theme is just "LOVE!"

In fact, there are so many that there is no need to list them, they speak for themselves... but, it is possible to mention one or the other, which are quite specific: "ALL MY LOVING!" (Beatles), "I NEVER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN!" (Interpretation by Elvis Presley) and also performed by him: "I JUST CAN'T HELP BELIEVING!".

In Brazil, there were some that deserve to be highlighted because they were considered "classic" and for the good appreciators of good art and still affected by great passions, they will never forget, for example: "ROSA" (Pixinguinha. Performed by Orlando Silva), "AFFECTIONATE!" (Interpr. Orlando Silva). And also, some of Roberto Carlos: "IF I LEAVE!" "FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!" "I'LL NEVER LEAVE YOU SO LONELY AGAIN!" etc., among many others...

The truth is that, without the great passions and even with their betrayals, the inspiration for the sentimental compositions would be quite outdated... It would be better if they only sang wonderful stories that always ended with a happy ending, but since people don't stop rushing and trying to love and will never listen to "good advice", they will face new dramas (and me...) until they learn to control themselves... Is?! Can they do it?! I don't know...

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Bofete - SP

Membro desde Novembro de 2023


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