I have observed lately, following the total bias (in favor of Israel) that the official channels of transmission have used, about the "so-called War in the Gaza Strip", when everyone knows that it is only a question of the military force of a country, which under the pretext of destroying a "cell" of a so-called terrorist group, is invading, exploding, destroying, etc., committing every possible and plausible war crime (?!), claiming "self-defense." However, this doesn't seem to be bothering these almost "all" television channels!
So, CNN Brasil, (I didn't look at the international one), Bandnews, Jovempan (this one, okay, is pro-"flat earth", anti-vaccine and pro-Bolsonaro), Globo News (the latter, a commentator who lives in the US, Jorge Pontual, even justified the attack by Israeli forces on an ambulance, confirming the argument used that there, in that ambulance, there was a member of the Hamas group), etc., etc. With all this, one has the clear impression that they are trying to show something that is not happening: A WAR, AN ARMED CONFLICT! When we are talking about an attack by a warlike force, against the majority of an unarmed people!
Against all these arguments, (false, by the way), there are the ordinary people (of course, those who are still surviving the attacks), who, armed with cell phones and when the Internet usually "returns" to the Internet, broadcast alive, to the world, what is actually happening, under the endorsement of the United States, including: "THE ERADICATION OF A PEOPLE (PALESTINIANS) FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH!" or if you prefer: "A GENOCIDE!"
In fact, they will justify all the deaths and murders that have occurred, of children, the elderly, women, etc., on the grounds that there were in the hospitals, in the ambulances, "children in disguise", militants of the Hamas, and in this way and along these lines "everyone must die!" In other words: "SHOOT FIRST AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER!"
However, these television channels should somehow worry about something that will make them contradictory: HISTORY! Yes, history always tells what really happened and certain attitudes and biases will be forever marked in your annals...
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