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There is no way to speak of conflict, battle, war, Senate, etc., without necessarily having to go back to the story of Julius Caesar (1) and also of Alexander the Great (2), who, according to historians...

There is no way to speak of conflict, battle, war, Senate, etc., without necessarily having to go back to the story of Julius Caesar (1) and also of Alexander the Great (2), who, according to historians, is "the object of envy" of another "foolish", Mr. Nero (3) who, among other things, "set fire to Rome" in order to blame the Christians, murdered his own mother. with whom he had a romantic relationship and shortly before killing himself, they caught him crying bitterly in a place in the palace where he lived, asked, what was the reason for so many tears, he replied that it was because of Alexander, the Great, who at a little less than 30 years old, had conquered the world, and he, the "great" Nero, had conquered little.

On another occasion, he demanded to participate in the "Athletic Games", which took place there, (ROME) signing up for the classic pedestrian and "plump" speed test, he dragged himself until he crossed the finish line, without anyone daring to overtake him! In fact, if they did, they wouldn't tell their story.

But, without a doubt or with one of them, Julius Caesar was indeed an emblematic character, because, in addition to being General of the Official Troops of the Roman Army, he was still a Senator, that is, at the time, a politician, a Senator. I believe that at that time and in those times, the important position of Senator and politician were confused in their performance. Today, in a large part of the world, when we talk about politicians, we already imagine something controversial, something taciturn, something withdrawn, etc., a kind of "mercenary", quite a matter of observing Brazilian politicians. But, until then, the fame of the profession had not spread to the four corners of the world!

Thus, Julius Caesar was respected among the troops and much feared among the Senators, because they knew of his articulation, oratory and, of course, his perfect handling of the sword. In effect, these skills made him a target whenever he was "out of the campaign" (i.e., away from the battlefields), and he presented himself there with his peers to present his concepts and points of view. Finally, with the support of his "beloved nephew," Brutus, (4) he was murdered at last!

Author of the phrase: "I went, I saw and I conquered!", etc., among others, he showed his arrogance, his military strategy and especially his contempt for human lives, as long as it was not his "patricians" (i.e., Roman citizens). However, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that he was indeed a dictator, he did like to instill terror on the battlefields, he was completely ruthless with his enemies and hardly called for dialogue to solve problems that arose with other peoples and other tribes and villages.

His method of resolving such conflicts was to "put everything to the sword" and in the large numbers of victims of his attacks, there were women, old men and children... He lived by the sword, using little diplomacy, and he died by the sword... But he went down in history and his remarkable deeds somehow stood out from the "rubble" of the peoples he murdered and was forever placed as one of the great generals of history. His methods, although he also used conversation on some occasions, differed, incredible as it may seem, from those of Alexander the Great, because the latter, whenever he could, despite his military power, tried to use diplomacy, even preserving the culture of the peoples that his army dominated, if possible, left there the kings, queens, princesses, etc., and part of the noble class of the peoples in which it dominated, still to exercise its power, provided that it recognized its legacy at the time of its invasion. From this alone, you can already see that although he was not necessarily part of the classes that articulated politics and senators, Alexander had something innate, respect for the enemies defeated by his troops! Very rare quality for those times...

But, what more emotions could one have, if there was no electricity, "networks", shopping malls, sophisticated food, movies, etc?! It remained, whenever possible, to start "a good trouble", so that there would be no lack of emotions and the exercise of power execution. Living a few years was a privilege (for life expectancy was very, very low) and (violent) death was there waiting to be called, inside and outside the palaces! To top it all off, the Exchange Houses were unknown and the currency, served only the Nation, which minted its own coins and the soldiers' own wages, originated from "salt", (small portions of salt), hence the term "salary", having arisen from there... and persisting to this day, with the difference that many receive their share in dollars, Euro, Pound and amazingly, even in... REAL! (Big coin).

- (1) Gaius Julius Caesar, better known simply as Julius Caesar, was an important Roman leader in the process of transitioning from the republican model to the Empire. Born in 100 B.C., he lived until 44 B.C., when he was assassinated. The general proclaimed himself to be the son of Venus and Aeneas (the latter, son of Mars, the god of war, and Venus, the goddess of love). This relationship represented the combination of important characteristics that guided Julius Caesar's political life: love and war, strength and procreation, side by side. Many modern historians rank Julius Caesar as the last dictator of the Roman Republic, although ancient Roman writers attributed to him the title of the first Emperor of Rome. Julius Caesar was born into a patrician family and received military training. He was a military leader and excelled as a commander of troops. Among his achievements were the formation of an alliance that dominated Roman territory and territorial conquests. By uniting with Crassus and Pompey, forming the Prim...

- (2) Alexander III of Macedon or Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great or Alexander the Great, was king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and a member of the Argead dynasty. Born in Pella in 356 BC, the young prince succeeded his father, King Philip II, on the throne at the age of twenty. Born: July 356 BC, Died: June 323 BC, Babylon Spouse: Roxana (327 BC to 323 BC), Parisatid II (324 BC to 323 BC), Statira II (324 BC to 323 BC) Children: Alexander IV of Macedon Siblings: Cleopatra of Macedon, Thessalonica of Macedon, Philip III of Macedon, Europa of Macedon, Cinane, Caranus Parents: Philip II of Macedon, Olympias of Epirus Cousins: Amyntas IV of Macedon, Neoptolemus II of Epirus, Kadmea of Epirus.

- (3) Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, was a Roman emperor who ruled from 13 October 54 until his death on 9 June 68, the last emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Born: December 15, 37 A.D., Antium; Died: June 9, 68 A.D., Rome, Italy; Spouse: Sporus (A.D. 67 to A.D. 68), plus Daughters: Claudia Augusta Burial place: Sepulchre of the Domiti. Parents: Claudius, Agrippina Minor, Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus.

- (4) Marcus Junius Brutus, was a patrician, conservative-oriented political leader in the Roman republican, and Roman military man. After being adopted by his uncle, he began to use the name Quintus Servilius Caepius Brutus, but reverted to his original name. He was one of Julius Caesar's assassins. Born: Rome, Italy, Died: October 23, 42 B.C., Philippi, Greece. Spouse: Portia (45 BC to 43 BC), Sisters: Junia Thercia. Parents: Servilia Caepio, Quintus Servilius Caepio the Younger, Marcus Junius Brutus the Elder.

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