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But, the great "villain" of all this, without a doubt is: "the desire of the population!" Yes, always looking for a "superman" to solve your situation!

Your hero had a lot to hide!

I even understand that you don't even want to accept it or understand it...

Sometimes I think to myself: what is the purpose of a person, to create a certain organ, only to deny the truth that could somehow bring benefits to the whole of humanity?!

And more: to found an institution with the intention of doing research (and only that) and under this pretext, infiltrate, act and investigate the private life of other countries around the world?! Participate and engage in wars at all times?!

Participate and engage in wars at all times?!

Don't believe it?!

So what has the CIA (National Investigation Agency) been doing since the so-called Vietnam War to the present day?

And why not: "International" Investigative Agency?!

Or how about: International Speculation Agency?

Noble service (until proven otherwise) has been done, however, by its Federal Police!

But at this point... I mean, in this "hero business", we have a point in common, (Brazil and United States) we have also been deceived by fanciful stories of would-be candidates for this "office", whose only noble occupation, in fact, is yet to be discovered, however, here, they made him Proclaimer of the Independence of Brazil, when on the day of such proclamation the protagonist DID NOT EVEN KNOW ABOUT SUCH ACTION!

So, in schools, certain stories are passed from parents to children without any challenge. Where everyone is happy in the end, because a perfect hero has been chosen, with the perfect attributes, to be the hero of a Nation! And I'm not just talking about the United States at this point, no!

But, the great "villain" of all this, without a doubt is: "the desire of the population!"

Yes, always looking for a "superman" to solve your situation!

In the end, the most ordinary of human beings, without any special attributes, just by occupying a position at a certain time, becomes the national hero... forever!

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Jfranck ESCRITO POR Jfranck Autor
Bofete - SP

Membro desde Novembro de 2023


Outros textos de Jfranck

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Finally, each people with its period of darkness and ignorance, which over the years, little by little, the enlightenment and the truth, is changing!
"MESSAGE TO THE COUP PLOTTERS ON DUTY!" (Note: All scammers: Fraudsters and others)
"How noble a "work!" What a noble mission! What a legacy to leave to his children and descendants!"
(...) Face She it with this importance! And in that spirit! All good?! And welcome...