Tema Acessibilidade


Finally, each people with its period of darkness and ignorance, which over the years, little by little, the enlightenment and the truth, is changing!

"And Jesus, in his last moment, looking at the angry crowd, still objected, 'FATHER, FORGIVE!'

When I in my youth, there was an acquaintance who occasionally wore a T-shirt with some words on it, which I, at the time, thought was very funny, because I did not know or deeply understand its meaning.

Here is the phrase, the reason for the joke (to me) at the time: "I would rather be a known drunk than an anonymous alcoholic!"

He, my acquaintance, an inveterate drinker, belonging to another social class, thought it was absurd for an individual to be an anonymous alcoholic (that is, belonging to an organ or organism that seeks to prevent a subject from being a "social stooge!"), when he could very well be a known "stubborn alcoholic lover" and be happy drinking and causing...

And I, at the time, still a sporadic drinker, did not know some truths that would make me "shiver" with fear, when knew the whole truth...

I had no idea, that I was part of the angry crowd that had mocked the prophet as he strove to ask God not to "put an end" to that horde of sinners who were murdering him at that moment. (they executed the son of God).

There must have been one or the other in that "gang" who did not agree with such barbarism... So, as there should be, too, many people of common sense, who did not find it funny at all, the words of stupid phrase... and that they knew in advance, things that until then, along with the protagonist, we were completely unaware of: ALCOHOLISM IS A DISEASE... IT'S PROGRESSIVE... AND FATAL IF NOT TREATED IN TIME!

And even at the time, the defenders of that citizen who wants to change his life, had already saved thousands and thousands of lives all over the world and prevented families from being destroyed, respectable gentlemen from going to the gutter, beautiful and modest women becoming simple prostitutes, when the disease sets in deeply, in the center of his being and dominated his soul forever...

And I was dying of laughter... and the Pharisees, happy to have defeated the Christ, also laughed widely... The question in that case and next was only one: WHO WOULD GO TO HELL FIRST?!

Finally, each people with its period of darkness and ignorance, which over the years, little by little, the enlightenment and the truth, is changing!

Perhaps there is no way to reconsider the crime committed against the son of God, however, as for ALCOHOLISM, it can be stopped, as long as if follow some practices, which my acquaintance and I, at the time, were ignorant of...

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Jfranck ESCRITO POR Jfranck Autor
Bofete - SP

Membro desde Novembro de 2023


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